Friday, January 25, 2013

Abortion Rants....

JANUARY 25 2013

today i was told that i'm a quiet liberal. i suppose that's true. i try not to shove my ideas down the throats of others because in my life i have found that people are more likely to listen if you aren't tellng them they have to agree with you. if your argument is strong enough the facts and support will speak for itself with out you screaming "YOU'RE WRONG MOTHAF**KA!"

i try not to talk too much about politics because i don't feel knowledgeable enough about the subject to be opinionated. i mean i get the social understand MOST of the social issues,  but the economy is beyond me and other things politics are related to are obviously not very prevalent in my brain because i can't even think of anything now.

Regardless of all this, it makes me mad when i see you've posted a stupid facebook thing hatin on the liberal world...especially when it is regarding a social issue. 
today's encounter regarding to this: ABORTION

i see you're hatin post and makes me makes ME REALLY ANNOYED. i understand that it is difficult decision ethically because it is challenging to distinguish whether or not the fetus is conscious of what is happening when a pregnancy is aborted, but the mother is more than just a baby making oven. she is alive. she deserves the choice. Personally, i don't know if i would have an abortion if i was in a situation where it was an option, but i appreciate having the choice and having control over my body. i don't want some wealthy men sitting around in a table in a pristine room telling me what is and is not acceptable for my uterus.quite honestly i don't understand how any women could?
From a young age, girls are taught that guys just want one thing...SEX. they tell girls to be careful but at no point do they present them with the tools and skills to be safe. Maybe if contraceptives were more readily available this abortion issue would be less prevalent?! Maybe if sex ed in public schools was better than "So boys have a penis and girls have a vagina--DON'T SMOKE OR YOU DIE" then we would be more prepared for preventing unwanted pregnancy?! ..i mean after your fifth year of that shit you really don't give a flying f**k if your teacher is telling you "no drugs, no alcohol, and abstinence are the keys to a successful life" because you know that all those videos they try to use as scare tactics are just a load of bullshit...just a fallacious rhetorical strategy.
Also you tell me that the president is a hypocrite because he wants us to care for our children first but then supports abortion. Intriguing. Conservatives strive for a smaller central government that is less influential on our personal lives and yet it's okay for there to be federal laws prohibiting MY PERSONAL decision about MY uterus?!

Maybe i am a quiet liberal in class but this is my brain on the internet so....

From here on out...

so from here on out....

as much as i love cartoons, it's too much. the cartoons will be a thing that happens only sometimes.
also, hitRECord is beautiful and has inspired me to actually post my brain rambles which is why started this blog in the first place. i've recently been purging my mind's contents into hitRECord but i think i might lay off that b/c the truth is my messy angsty brain vomit isn't really art so i'm bringing off there and to here where it belongs...i mean it is called "brain puke and such" so where's a better place than here.
carpe diem.