Thursday, September 27, 2012

Sleep-deprived Procrastination

HelloOoO WoOrldD?!?!!!!!

i'm running on a quality 3hrs of sleep and i have so much crap to do tonight so i decided to write a blog post instead........excellent logic there...obviously..

i wanted to tell you something but my sleep-deprived brain has forgotten it...

I should write a poem because there is a slam soon...slam...i always see it as SLAM!! in my head...except even bigger.

slams are good things...they sell hot chocolate there. :)
But i should write a poem.

roses are sometimes red
and violets, contrary to their name, are often blue
i love sherlock
and the vlogbrothers toooo!

well this is all for tonight. there will be real posts coming soon. i apologize for the lack of cartoons today but i frankly don't have the time, energy, or motivation to make them magically appear on the screen for you today....alas. GOOD NIGHT.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

the lion and the wombat

hello again.

i have a couple of new posts that are coming sooon...i've been rather crazy busy lately with life and all but new stuff is coming.

but for now here's just someone you should know for future posts:

the leezylou (also referred to as “the lion”) ----she (there are questions regarding this person’s gender or whether or not she is actually a person but to keep it simple we’ll pretend she is a girl) is someone who happens to spend a lot of time with me even though we are not actually friends. It is said that we have the same brain and are our school’s Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. However, these are all just rumors. The lion spends a lot of time on the Internet and will ALWAYS end her quotes with “XD.”

alsoooo my a couple of my next posts might contain drawings done by my friend "the wombat" who is a pretty spectacular she's really quite cool so now you have a taste of her silly brain to be excited about, too.

ummmm...hrrmmdeehrrmmmhrrm....i think that is all. feel free to comment or share with friends or whatnot.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Post-School Brain Mush

 i have officially completed an ENTIRE week of school. DONE. BAM! Makes me feel like a boss… or a champ……. or an extremely overtired adolescent hopelessly trying to convince herself that she’ll survive the whole year…

My brain shuts off for the summer, like every good student. It just says good-bye to complex thinking and hello to sleep and crummy tv shows that I’ll deny that I watch if you ask me. And then comes summer work where my brain frantically panics to figure out how to work again 24 hrs before whatever tedious assignment I procrastinated doing is due. This particular summer my brain got an extra dose of happy chilled non-functioning mode b/c I got to enjoy getting my wisdom teeth out…which is another story that is more uneventful than I would’ve hoped. 

BUT ENOUGH OF THAT…the important thing is that I have completed 1 week of school. Monday through Friday. I’ve survived the 4 Tests, the tons of assignments, and the several hours of sports and now I am positively delirious and brain-dead….actually it’s not even dead but rather mush. My brain has been melted and fried by the perpetually overwhelming tasks of the week and is now just a puddle of an old, overused sponge that has degraded over time. ‘Tis an incredibly appetizing image, no? but the point being is that I am still currently in this state and have been all day.
Seriously…in bio today I realized a small zit between my eyebrows where my nose attaches to my forehead had begun to bleed and instead of being concerned about the fact that I was bleeding or that my appearance was compromised by this icky bloody pimple in the center of my face like most people I got excited because I KNOW THE WORD FOR THAT PART OF MY FACE. it’s called a glabellas. And I may or may not have ran around and told pretty much everyone about this word and I might have even declared it word of the day…it’s a possibility.

The effects of sleep-deprived brain mush continued on even after I left school. My plan for the afternoon was to come home, go for a run, shower, nap, and eat a quiet dinner out with my friend this evening. Alas, when I walked in through the front door i saw the couch…so welcoming and comfy compared to the hard desk I’ve been desperately trying not to rest my head on…this couch whose sole purpose in life is to be the place where tired, overworked people can come and rest their a haven for your muscles (brain included). AND THE NUTELLA !! IT CALLED FOR ME.  I swear I heard it’s compelling whispers coercing me to take just one spoonful…the damn food knows me so well..just one taste and I’m suckered in. So this is how my “after school run” turned into a nice “sit on your ass eating nutella and watching teennick and the titanic” kind of afternoon.

In the evening I went out with my friend to wander the streets in search of the best dinner places within our price range. We were just moseying along when we stumble upon possibly one of the best things ever. It is this tiny hole-in-a-wall waffle shop that radiated the scent of waffle ambrosia. Needless to say, we couldn’t not go inside.  We split a waffle with strawberries and bananas and MORE NUTELLA and whipped cream. Best damn waffle ever. The fresh fruit combined with my best friend nutella all covered with the happiness of whipped cream. And underneath this pile of edible heaven laid the waffle. Warm and fluffy with a bit of crunchy. In the words of my friend, it was “angel throw up.”

We continued on to eat dinner of real food at a little Mediterranean food place which means FALAFEL (awesome word right there) and this positively splendid cucumber yogurt minty sauce thing. 
And the evening wouldn’t have been complete without my almond bubble tea….see this tea had caffeine. But my body was so tired that I couldn’t just start bouncing off the walls…no the effect was much worse… uncontrollable blabbing… delirious rambling at it’s finest. My poor friend was subject to whatever words spilled outta my mouth in this horrific word vomit…the contents of which I cannot remember due to the fact that I am still in this delirium. But we did find some old band with an audience of wonderfully old people and a SPECTACULAR MOON and swings where we could run and dance barefoot in the grass and such sooo things were goood. And music playing loudly in a car is also goood.
The weirdest thing was when I got home and went on one of those goddamn addictive social networking sites and saw that someone I had no idea I was even fb friends with liked a pic on my wall…see this doesn’t happen much because I keep to my stuff and these other people do their things so in my caffeine depleted state of delirium my brain entered a swirling vortex of confusion and uncertainty about what is reality and the truth of what is happening in my life now.

So my flawlessly planned evening went up into an explosion of brain-mush-ness and I’m very happy with it. but as of now, I am incredibly unsure about how I am going to return to functioning like a human because currently it feels like I must sleep for a decade to regain any type of semi-human abilities.